Tuesday, April 17, 2012

When you realise that you're all grown up

I don't know how it was for you when you realised, but for me, over the last couple of months I have started to realise that I am not a young girl any more.

I know it might sound funny since I havent really been a "young girl" for quite a few years (I'm 23 currently) but I think I have only just started to see things like an adult. My life is becoming and "adult" life not a care-free little girl one.

Over the last week I spent time visiting one of my closest and oldest friends (I know she subscribes to my posts via email so here's a big shout out to you Tegs!! lol). She is a little older than me and we have been friends since we were in primary school. I love her to bits and she has been there for me through many years of growing up even though tonnes of kilometers has seperated us.

Before this week I hadn't seen my friend since last May! OMG!! That's ages! I couldnt believe that we hadn't seen each other in the flesh in so long, but as always when we got together it was like we hadn't been apart at all, we all picked up where we left off.

So much had changed in both of our lives since our last get-together. A LOT has changed. Firstly I had seen myself through a hard break-up, a massive trip over seas to Europe, I re-discovered my passion for design, followed my dreams back to uni and relocated to a new town and to start a new path in life. Tegs life has changed even more! Her and her boyfriend of 4 years became "fiance's", and now they are expecting a gorgeous little baby, due in July!

As Tegs, me, and another of our close friends sat around talking about our lives in general chit chat, I started to realise a few things. Our conversations aren't about young girl-y things anymore, we don't go on and on about the latest massive parties we have been to (even though I still love a good party! *wink*), we were talking about buying houses, renovations, mortgages, insurances, cars, weddings and of course the imminent arrival of a new baby!

After our first night at Tegs place I laid in bed thinking about how my life has changed, and is continuing to change but I am definitely not going down the same path as my good friend.... not yet anyway!

We're growing up so fast but I feel like I'm lagging behind a little. I'm just at a very different stage in my life right now and I think I'd like to cling to my adolescent youth that little bit longer!!

I'm not saving to buy a house, I'm saving to buy my next groceries on my current uni budget! I'm not getting married, I'm just happily dating and I'm definitely not having a baby any time soon but I know these are things that I have to start to think about at some stage. I'm not a little girl anymore and I guess I've only just realised!

I think I might just pretend for a while! I know I'm growing up and getting "older" but I'm still going to have my not-so-grown-up times thrown into the mix.

I'm not a grandma yet afterall.... right?!



  1. Go Ellie! I'm forty with three kids, a mortgage and an obsession with keeping a fine lawn and I'm STILL waiting to feel like a grown up! x

    1. Thats awesome to hear Maxabella! Maybe we can all stay "young" forever!! lol xo

  2. naw thanks ell.. im famous like you..lol. i made it too one of your blogs..lol....im glad you had a great time visiting me.. i had an awesome time seeing you guys.. i love reading your blogs.. then i was like... ah thats me...lol.. im bit slow.lol.. i love to too bits darling girl.. haha- i love living through you and the parties you go too, your overseas trips.. and the girlie gossip.. :-).. love ya Ell.. XOXOOXO

    1. Naw thanks Tegs! Glad you feel famous haha! Maybe my blog will make it big time one day!? haha
      Miss you xo


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