Hey there bloggy peeps!
It's been a while, but I have good reason! I am currently on holidays with my family on the QLD coast!
We kicked off our trip with a weeks stay on the ever-gorgeous Sunshine Coast at the city of Mooloolaba. We have been staying at Mooloolaba for years and years since I was a child and it never disappoints!
We were lucky enough to have freakin' amazing weather for cruising around the beach, shops and eateries. I always love visiting Mooloolaba and can tell that each year it is getting more and more popular with tourists. I even noticed whilst I was there, some bloggers and Instagrammers that I follow were also holidaying there at the same time! Such a beautiful place in our country!
This week we are on the Gold Coast and believe it or not, its my first "proper" time on the GC as an adult. My parents brought me and my sisters here when we were little but I can't remember it so I'm classing this trip as my first time.
So far, the weather has been a little glum and overcast and I am so used to the slow and relaxed pace of the Sunshine Coast that I was shocked at how busy the GC is! I don't want to make my mind up too soon but I'm not sure I am
that in love with the GC. Sorry if I offend any one by saying that but don't worry, I am keeping an open mind for the rest of the week and plan to better scope out the place!!
My sisters and I are also planning to visit "Dracula's" theatre restaurant! It may sound corny to some, but we have all been wanting to do it since we were kids and now we are all well and truly legal and of age we are trying it out! That might be tomorrow nights dinner event!
I have been really active on my Instagram feed (find me on: elliemaree12) while on holidays trying to capture lots of pics of my time on the coast so I can have my pictures printed via
Prinstagram. I think this is a cool way to document our trip and from what I've heard, it is quite affordable!
Anyhow, just a relatively quick check in! More posts to come soon!
Take care