Do you "iphone" ?
As in....... do you have an iphone??
I know I'm probably showing that I am waaaay out of the phone-tech loop when I admit this but I'm yet to have joined the masses and jump on the Apple band wagon and buy one of these super smart - high tech phones.
You see, today my beloved Nokia (an older version... not that old though) started to show its age and is playing up indicating to me that its most probably on its way to mobile phone heaven. It's sad because for as long as I've been able to have a mobile phone (probably around 8 years) I've always had an easy to follow standard Nokia phone which I could always navigate through super well.
Now that I am on the cards for a new phone I am pondering whether to take the plunge and join the masses of iphone owners and users. (I'm not that phone savy you see!)
So I'm just throwing it out there for some advice from some other iphone owners...
Are they hard to use? Is it worth getting one?
Do you like your iphone?
Any feedback is much appreciated!