Monday, December 19, 2011

Better late then Never!!!

So with only a small handful of days to go before Christmas arrives I finally got my act together and put up our Christmas tree and even decked the house out in Chrissie lights (thanks to a few helpful bodies on the weekend!!)

Here is a sneaky pic I took of the lights last night when I got home from my sister's place.

Its not the best shot and the lights look SO good from the road, I'll hopefully get another pic before Santie comes!!

I figure its better late then never when it comes to getting "Christmas-y"!!

I wanted to post a piccie of my gorgeous Christmas tree but my little Sister is flying home on Friday to spend Christmas with us and she wants it to be a surprise so I'll post once this happens!

Are you organised for Christmas? Any last minute shopping happening this week (like me... Oops!) ??


  1. I've done my shopping! Whoo hoo! Just the food (oh and my Dad a present). x

  2. Yay, good job on being so organised! I'm such a slacker (last minute shopping = hectic!!) lol
    Good luck with your Dad's chrissie present!
    Ellie xo


I love hearing from my readers! Whats on your mind?! Drop me a comment! Ellie xo