Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Into the new year...

Hello 2011! I'm surprised how fast you've come! How scary is it how fast time is going? I can't believe it half the time... I'm almost 22, my little young cousins are not so little anymore, work is getting busier, so is my life and the days keep on rolling on by!

So far this year I've already done quite a few things that have made me smile including babysitting a special little bunny for my good friend Jodie and her cute little girls Connie and Millie. Bunny and I had some good times together whilst Jode's family was on holidays, I learnt a lot about rabbits (such as they poo a WHOLE lot!! Gross I know! lol) and enjoyed doing a favour for a friend. Today, I was surprised by the girls with a gorgeous gift for taking care of their beloved bunny "Paws".

Firstly, underneath the cute hand painted wrapping by Miss Connie were these gorgeous matching plates!

Then I found this cute artsy note book to jot lots of important notes down in!

Thanks so much Jodie, Connie and Mille! I love all of the gifts and loved having Paws over at our place! I'm so glad you trusted me with your special new pet from Santa!! lol

Also this year I've been getting my "knit" on and have finally motivated myself to continue working on a project that's been waiting for my attention for a loooong time!

Roger's headband!!

I'm finally making progress on this little one and I can't wait to finish it and see it on Rogers head! I'll post pictures as soon as I get it done!

What things have you been up to so far this New Year? Any big plans for 2011??

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