The mittens turned out longer than I had anticipated so next time I think I will cast on only 20 or so stitches rather than 25 to make them a bit shorter up my wrist.

The mittens turned out longer than I had anticipated so next time I think I will cast on only 20 or so stitches rather than 25 to make them a bit shorter up my wrist.
When I chose my fabric kit I wanted to pick something that I might not usually pick (in terms of colour scheme) as I find myself always being drawn to pretty pinks and purples (because I LOVE them and I'm into girly prints and colours). So this time I chose a different colour way that I LOVE, with bright and summery yellows on the outside and this pretty green paisley print for the inside...
All in all I am so totally proud (as a very VERY novice sewer) to be able to make a gorgeous little pouch to hold all of my little craft goodies (hooks, needles, tape measure etc). I've also already purchased another kit in a funky linen with a cute pig print to try and make my next one! I'm thinking that I'll make a couple more for my sisters for Christmas, they're so quick and I think they'll love them just as much as I do!!!
Next week we're going to be making a pin cushion that is attached to some elastic or velcro so we can wrap it around our arm!! I can't wait!
More crafty news soon! Happy weekend lovelies!
I've chosen to use a star and a heart, I think they'll look super cute when they're done!
Also in My creative space this week...
I'm still knitting away at my Neck Warmer. Its growing ever so slowly as I get time here and there to knit a row or two. I can't wait for it to be finished so I can see how great it will look!! lol
I'm also in the process of finishing my Garter Mittens. More to some on those soon!!
More creative spaces over here.
For the pattern I'm using Jodie's garter mittens project to follow from Ravelry and she did some modifications on the original pattern by Ysolda Teague, you can find the pattern on Rav here.
Also currently in the workings is the "Ruff Neck Warmer" scarf that I mentioned in an earlier post from the pattern book "Pints & Purls". It's turning out soooo beautiful and I am in love with it already!
So far its just continuous rows of stockinette stitch (purling/knitting) so its fairly easy. The yarn I'm using is just too gorgeous to work with! It is quite slippery but just enough that it slides right off the needles and makes the 200 stitch repetition go pretty quickly.
More to come on these two projects! Can't wait to show you how they both turn out! What have you been crafting lately?
Ellie x
Until my next post, keep smiling!
Ellie x
Lastly, to top off the night, I've purchased the latest editions of my two fave mags, "Donna Hay" and "Notebook". Sadly, this issue of Notebook Magazine is it last :o( I'm devastated to see such a gorgeous magazine (that tailors exactly to my tastes) has ceased publication due to high costs. I only wish I started to read the magazine earlier! Now I'm on the hunt for back issues! If anyone knows where I can get some, please drop me a line!!!
Thanks to Jodie who thankfully got me out of a pickle when I made a bit of a mistake in the pattern helped to save this little project!!
My next wool-eater I'm sure will turn out even better than this one (now that I've worked out my mistakes! lol).
I'd definitely recommend this pattern!
It's cooling down here at home now that the sun is slowly setting on what was a beautiful Sunday, I am about to hit the uni study books (in preparation for another set of exams in 2 weeks!!)
I've also FINALLY started on Roger's knitted headband!! Hoorah!
Ever since I started crochet classes and got back into some crafty goodness I've been promising Rog that I'd make him something so I thought I'd better get a wriggle on a start a little something for him! I'll upload some more pics when I have a bit more of the body of the headband done (currently its only 2 rows of knitted ribbing on my needles!! lol)
Happy Sunday! Ellie x
Some zucchini seedlings started to sprout!
Our tomato plants are slowly getting bigger!
We've been super lucky with all of the rocket that I've planted, it seems to flourish no matter the conditions! These little seedlings sprouted pretty much straight away!
The weekend is fast approaching and I have plenty of crochet/knitting and gardening projects to work on. What have you got planned for the weekend??
* smiles *
Ellie x